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Tutorial. Making ArcheoGRID deposit

1. Copy data on Lalibela Server

Put resources on the main folder for resources that would be named : Resources

Example :



Resources can be :

  • Manuscripts
  • Cross
  • Manbara Tabot
  • Vestiments

So we have one folder for each type of resources :


In the Lalibela server, copy data on project folders, in the resources folder on the type of the resources concerned.

2. Synchronize data from dashboard admin in ArcheoGRID

  • First, log in the ArcheoGRID system with the "scribe" profile
  • Go to the dashboard
  • Click on the Files menu "Add / synchronize data"
  • Select Branch "Collaborative 3D projects". This is allways this branch to select
  • Select project "Lalibela_eglises_rupestres" and Validate

  • if the data to synchronize are data of a manuscript, then synchronize the folder : LALIBELA_eglises_rupestres/Resources/Manuscripts

  • if the data to synchronize are data of a Vestiments, then synchronize the folder : LALIBELA_eglises_rupestres/Resources/Vestiments

To synchronize the folder :

  • select the name of the folder
  • select "Folders and files" mode
  • select "No" for delete
  • select "yes" for recursion
  • Validate

There is 2 parts for synchronizaion, first part is the folder of the manuscript, for example "SL_MS_StLalibela_BGA_001" then click on Execute to continue with the files

There is a message with information of data synchronized (how many files)

3. Grant permissions

  • go to the dashboard
  • Click on the Groups menu "Groups permissions"
  • select a group with the name of the group
  • select the branch : allways the same branch :"Collaborative 3D projects"
  • submit the form

Select the new folder in the "forbidden folder's box" on the right panel and clik on one of the "double arrow" to give permissions

  • Top arrows (<<): read only permissions to have access and see the resources of the folder (upper left box)
  • Bottom arrows (<<): read and write permissions to be able to see and add metadata on the resources of the folder (down left box)